To My Young Friends…..










A few days ago, our school had given us a topic to write a speech to our young friends, who are entering into senior school from junior school. Therefore, I would like to share what I have spoken.


Good morning my young friends,

I know you want to go out and play. But just before you do so, I would like to spend a few minutes with you, talking about what I have learnt from my past.

The first thing I would like to talk about is curiousity. When you were small, you used to ask a lot of questions. Continue asking questions. Be curious. When an apple fell on Newton’s head, everybody saw the apple fall. But Newton was the one who asked, “Why did the apple fall?” And this led to the formulation of the theory of Gravitational Acceleration. Not only him, young C.V.Raman, on his voyage to England, saw the sea and asked the question, “Why is the sea blue and not any other colour?” And this led to the formulaton of  the theory of Refraction of Light.

The second thing I would like to talk about is playfullness and resilleans. When you enter into new classes, you are introduced to more subjects, which may be hard and may require more efforts from your side. If you think of it as a dull and boring subject, you will never have fun. But if you have a playful and cheerful attitude, you are sure to have fun. Steve Jobs, the inventor of Apple, said that you should only do the things you love. Have a playful attitude, and you will have fun. And don’t worry about failure, because Thomas Edison had to do 10,000+ experiments to create the right formula for the right light bulb.

The third and the last thing I would like to talk about is respect and humility. As you listen to your parents, you should also listen to your peers and you teachers, You will save a lot of time by listening to their advise, rather than making the same mistakes again and again. Humility is a quality that will transform you from good to great. When Sir Issac Newton was asked the question on how great a scientist he was, he replied that he felt as if he was a little boy, playing with pebbles on the seashore, while the vast ocean of knowledge lay all undiscovered before him.

So learn, enjoy and have loads of fun.


I hoped you liked my speech. Please comment.





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