Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Short Trip To Goa

Parasailing...(this is not me)

Parasailing…(this is not me)

Hi guys! Sorry about not being regular with my posts. Actually, I was looking for a topic to write about. I did not want to write about how I spent the week, because I agree that it is boring.

Bhai Dooj 2014


My aunt giving a ‘tika’ to my father

Bhai Dooj



Bhai Dooj

Hello to all!

We celebrated Bhai Dooj on Friday. My family and I went to my aunt’s house, where my sister and I gave a ‘tika’ to our cousin brother and my aunt gave a ‘tika’ to my father.

Diwali 2014

Our Mandir


Hello to all my friends!!!

Happy Diwali to all of you. I know its a bit late, but can’t help!! Diwali parties, Bhai dooj, etc. A very busy week! I enjoyed Diwali with my family by hanging lights all over my house, lighting diyas, making rangolis,etc.

Maha Shashthi

Me, my sister, Aaron and Alex

Me, my sister, Aaron and Alex

Today was Maha Shashthi. This is the day when Goddess Durga reaches Earth from her heavenly abode. We had a lot of fun and saw the puja where Goddess Durga’s face got revealed. We drank juice and coke and saw some performances.


Me and my aunt

Me and my aunt

Yesterday, Durga Puja, the festival every Bengali waits for, started. It started with Anandamela, where we put up stalls and sold food. Any type of food is allowed. I was selling mutton chops and it was a lot of fun.


Me and my sister-presently


Hi everybody!! My name is Diksha. I have a younger sister named Mrittika who always supports me, a family who loves us both more than anything in the world and a dog named Simba. He is only 6 months old and is hence, is a puppy.